Business & Entrepreneurship (BA)

FBP - Implementation

During my FBP project, I could understand the importance of having a larger quantity of my product available to the residents in a care facility. To make this feasible, the price per product should be relatively cheap, while still performing the task correctly. Using the cost-based pricing method learned during my Business-oriented USE-line I could provide a plausible estimation of the price per product. 

Furthermore, did I build a roadmap of the future progression and steps my project will have to take to be able to set foot in the market of Dementia care and develop further. 

Bachelor courses

Courses such as 'Introduction to Business Design' (DAB150), 'Design with and for multiple stakeholders' (DAB130), and others intrigued me to get the most out of myself. Working with or for a client motivates me to think not only about the possible application, but also the market feasibility. Marketing is something I found myself developing a lot early on in my bachelor's, which caused me to put less attention towards this area in the last couple of years. Although, this is still the area I am most confident in. New product development and marketing, just as described in my identity, was always an interest of mine. To be able to implement the knowledge gained from all the different courses I took in my Final Bachelor Project felt like 'the finishing touch' to my FBP.