A design project for a client working for youth care centres in the Netherlands started a project surrounding the topic of working alliance. Working alliance, described as the relationship between a care professional and their client, can have positive effects on the treatment motivation and potentially the treatment outcome of youth in youth care. This project continued with a project initiated by Garage2020, a company that designs with and for youth and their environment. The project named Fair Share, developed a tool that provides topics for care professionals and their clients to talk about during the treatment sessions.
The product provides the users with a time unit, an emotion and a situation, based on which the users should formulate a question and answer. The question should first be formulated by the care professional and answered, to introduce a safe space for sharing for the client participating. The tool was developed in an iterative design process with expert and client insights to iterate on. Eventually, the tool was evaluated with experts (n=4) and students (n=4) on its functionality and gained critical feedback to improve on.