Future (MA)

Healthcare Innovation Designer & Strategist

I would like to start my career off by working at a company which is already well acquainted with the process of designing products within the healthcare market. Learning the basics, understanding the work pace required for the healthcare market, and learning the skills needed to develop such products. With these ambitions, my goal is to learn as much as possible in the shortest amount of time. Learning HOW to design for REAL IMPACT. Within this career path, I see myself as a designer involved in the processes from 0 – market, similar to the projects in the Industrial Design curriculum, but with more emphasis on bringing the product to the people who need it

After exploring the design healthcare innovation world for a while, I see myself working in a smaller business with more specific projects aimed at people or companies that embrace a similar vision, working for a world in which Slow-tech and Warm Technology provide the platform to reconnect people using technology. This can be within a smaller design firm that works with assignments from other companies, or as a stand-alone firm creating their projects.