Creativity & Aethetics (BA)

FBP - Implementation

During my FBP project, I explored different shapes and models to optimize the ease of understanding for people with dementia. Besides the shape, I could implement the processing techniques of wood as learned during the course 'Design and Sensorial form' (DCB230). These techniques allowed me to make models of my ideations quickly to enhance the interactions one could have. 

Besides building models, there were weekly presentations that I gave to my coaches, together with the squad presentations, good moments to explore different approaches to explaining my concepts. Poster designing, making videos, and sketching scenarios could support me to get my intentions across. 

Bachelor courses

Courses such as 'Introduction to Business Design' (DAB150), 'Design Management' (DZB110) and 'Design with and for Multiple Stakeholders' (DAB130), triggered my creativity to think outside the box. Developing design opportunities for imaginary situations, made me realize the importance of design choices companies make with every new release. 

I consider my development in the Creativity and Aesthetics area well grown. However, in some situations I find it hard to step away from previously thought of ideas. The different projects where I could work together with a team did help me to become better at this.