User & Society (BA)

FBP - Implementation

The number one area of attention within my Final Bachelor Project. To develop myself further as a designer to be able to realize my vision towards designing for simplicity, understanding different users and their perspectives on design is a must. During this project I was able to work for caregivers and people with dementia. Although co-designing was not possible, could I learn more from a rather difficult user through the expertise of caregivers. Since I have worked with people with dementia before, and experienced problems in communication, I prepared myself by reading a care manual book (The 36-hour day by Peter V. Rabins) to learn better approaches. 

Bachelor courses

With different perspectives and new challenges, I trained myself to become more aware of the users involved in the project. Before my bachelor's, I was in favour of bringing more features to technical products. Quickly I experienced miscommunication in the field of design and the final user. The course 'User-centered Design' (DDB200), and especially 'Design Innovation Methods' (DAB200) taught me to take multiple perspectives into account before 'clinging' too much to an idea. 

However, not just taking the user into account will do the trick. The design choices and system interactions should be understandable. This is what I could experience during multiple demonstration days for projects where the interaction with our design was not clear for the visitors, keep it simplistic.